The Urgency of Revival in Today’s Church by Joel Beeke

Joel Beeke


In an era marked by secularism and spiritual apathy, the church’s need for revival is more urgent than ever. But what is revival, and why is it so important for the church today? This blog post aims to delve into the necessity of revival, explore its biblical basis, and provide practical insights for fostering it within our communities.

What is Revival?

Revival is not a series of meetings or a fleeting emotional experience but a significant spiritual awakening that renews the individual believer, invigorates the church, and impacts society at large. It’s an extraordinary move of the Holy Spirit leading to the conversion of many, the repentance of believers, and the subsequent transformation of communities.

Why Do We Need Revival?

  1. Spiritual Stagnation: Many churches today face a form of godliness without power, having traditions without the true experience of God.
  2. Declining Moral Standards: As society strays further from biblical principles, the church must rise as a beacon of hope and moral clarity.
  3. Eternal Consequences: The eternal destinies of countless souls are at stake; revival is needed to catalyze a massive turning to Christ.

Biblical Foundation for Revival

The Bible provides numerous instances of revival, from the days of King Josiah in the Old Testament to the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament. These serve as both encouragement and a model for us today.

Hindrances to Revival

  1. Tradition Over Transformation: Merely adhering to religious traditions can quench the Spirit.
  2. Lack of Prayer: A failure to intercede for the lost and for revival hinders the Spirit’s move.
  3. Unbelief: Doubting that God can bring about revival today stifles our prayers and actions.

Practical Steps for Seeking Revival

  1. Persistent Prayer: As individuals and communities, we must commit to praying earnestly for revival.
  2. Holiness: Personal and communal holiness often precedes revival; we must strive to live godly lives.
  3. Evangelism: Revival is not an end in itself but should lead to an urgency in evangelism.
  4. Church Involvement: Get engaged in the ministries of your local church as a catalyst for revival.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The need for revival is both urgent and essential. As J.W. Alexander posits in his questions on revival: Are you an enemy of revival? Do you pray for revival? Are you helping forward revival?

A Closing Prayer

In the words of Fanny Crosby:

“Come Spirit, come in mighty power as on the blessed day of old… O’er for a power that heals the heart, that takes away the dross of sin… Dear Savior, from thy throne on high, now, now grant the power for which we call, till shouts of rapture fill the sky, And thou, Lord, art all in all.”

May these words galvanize us into action, spurring us to seek revival in our lives, churches, and communities.